Monday, 23 April 2012

Registered Teachers Criteria

Since 2011 New Zealand teachers are required to justify their professionalism using the Registered Teachers Criteria (RTC). The RTC describe the criteria for quality teaching, which replaces the previous Satisfactory Teacher Dimensions

Nick Rate wrote an excellent blog post on the Registered Teachers Criteria and professional ePortfolios, he looks at it around the framework of the Teaching as Inquiry framework.

I am a very digital person so most of my evidence is digital and thus easy to link to a document. I have chosen Google Presentation to record my RTC evidence as it is easy to embed into other websites and updates. Below is an example of how I have started this process, it is important to be able to continuously update and change this document on a regular basis. 

Other RTC Tools
This wiki shows examples of how to provide evidence for the RTC in eLearning contexts

The Teachers Council have also created a Word document "Registered Teacher Criteria Self Assessment Tool" this is an excellent tool that provides scaffolds and ideas to reflect upon the RTC.

We are all different learners and I believe their are many other creative ways of showing evidence that will suit you. If you find these scaffolds helpful feel free to use them or get creative and do something different. In the end as long as you can give evidence that you are meeting the 12 criteria then you are meeting the requirements.

How do you reflect and record the RTC for yourself?