Tuesday, 14 November 2017

ALiM 1

This year I did the Accelerated Learning in Mathematics (ALiM 1) course and taught two groups of below students in mathematics. These were extra maths lessons above their normal lessons to accelerate their learning. Below is my inquiry presentation and data.

Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Connected Rotorua Term 2 2017

Cold winter evenings make for small gatherings but at the Connected Rotorua evening we discussed Ngā Pūmanawa e Waru's developing "Effective Future Focused Teaching" mindmap. We then got to reassemble the parts in how we personally envisioned the system of Effective Future Focused Teaching could look like. Always fun playing with ideas.

Maths Parent Evening

As the Mathematics leader at our school, I facilitated an open evening for parents to learn more about how their children learn maths at our school and how they can help at home. I talked to the parents about real life maths, math progressions, and basic facts learning at home (see my slideshow below). Meanwhile the children were engaged in playing the maths games they play in class; we had areas for each team to share with whānau. Afterwards the parents joined the children in the hall where they learned how to play math games; and lots of prizes were given out. A successful evening with lots of positive feedback from parents and staff.

Peer Coaching with NPeW

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Ngā Pūmanawa e Waru have been doing an amazing job at providing our school and district with future focused professional development. Our last few workshops have been focussed on peer coaching and questioning. This ties in nicely with my Maths Leadership course that covered similar areas in workshop 1.

To sum it up; good leadership and peer coaches should be good listeners first!

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Staff Math Meeting

Today was the second Math staff meeting PD that I have run this year, and although we had to move fast, I believe the staff came out more inspired, informed and with some ideas to take back to their classrooms.

Does your classroom have a Maths Word Wall?
The focus was developing rich Maths classroom environments, with a particular emphasis on Maths vocabulary. I planned the meeting on Google Keep, my new favourite note keeping app. I shared reading via email (and a few paper printouts). And used Padlet (below) to allow staff to shared resources and collaborate during the meeting.

We ended the meeting with a challenge to develop Maths Word Walls and think about how we can further Maths enrich our classroom environments.

Made with Padlet