Sunday, 22 February 2009

Good Morning in 250 Languages

I have a very multi-cultural class and we greet each other in a different language each day. While looking for a morning greeting in Hindi, I discovered a wonderful site that has "good morning" in 250 languages! It also has translations for: hello, good afternoon, good evening, thank you, please, yes, no, how are you, what is your name, my name is, I don't understand, do you speak English.

Pretty impressive and an excellent resource for all teachers to make that personal connection with your students. It does have some omissions and some errors but considering the task, I'm still impressed. It didn't have 'good morning' in New Zealand Māori (mōrena), although it did have it in Cook Island Māori, but you can help out by sending an email to the owner if you find any errors.

1 comment:

  1. Mōrena Shaun!

    Thanks for this link. This is an amazing resource. It took me back, as I spoke Chinyanja as a child. I have fogotten nearly all of it. Seeing 'Mwadzuka bwanji' was a haunting reminder of what I'd forgotten.

    Catchya later
