Thursday, 8 April 2010

Dennis Hong: My seven species of robot | Video on

This is an inspiring TED talk by Dennis Hong where he introduces seven all-terrain robots. I had no idea how far robotics had been taken and the robots are fantastic. The part that made me think about sharing this with my class, was when he spoke about the five creative secrets to his lab's success. He talks about the kind of brainstorming I try to encourage in the classroom, perhaps a real life example will inspire my students onward. Dennis goes on further to say that creativity itself is not enough, to support it and follow through you need the learning; lots of maths and science.


  1. Wow!Mr Wood .That was very interesting, I never knew robots were that fasinating.I learnt alot of things that I never knew before. Dennis Hong is very interesting so i want to see the robot cup.I liked the DARwln 4+ alot!

  2. I wonder when you are going to post something else because you always post interesting stuff on Mr Wood!
